Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Funnies

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

True Life Tuesday: The Axeman of New Orleans

Another murder mystery that has never been solved. The murders took place between May 1918 and October 1919. The victims were all attached with an axe, sometimes one that they owned. The attacker assessed the homes by removing panels on the back doors with a chisel. Robbery did not appear to be a motive since nothing was taken from the homes. The first victims were Joseph and Catherine Maggio on May 23, 1918 and the final victim was Mike Pepitone on October 27, 1919.

There were several theories about the axeman. Most of the victims were either Italian-Americans or Italian immigrants leading to suspicion that the killings were ethnically motivated. Some media members even put forth the idea that the mob was involved even there was no evidence. Some felt that the murderer was a sexual sadist who would only kill men when they stood in the way of his killing of women.

One strange theory was that the killings were committed in order to promote jazz music. This was based upon a letter that media outlets received from the alleged killer on March 13, 1919. In the letter the author stated that he would spare those who were playing jazz music in their homes. Because of this letter many felt that the murderer was Frank "Doc" Murphy. He ran a jazz club that was struggling. Once the letter was published his business started to improve. 

The murders ended just a quickly as they began. The remain unsolved today. The axeman story has been referenced in many books, songs and true crime shows and podcasts.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday Musings

Another week is upon us and these are the things currently on my mind.

1) I received an email about the position I applied for that was a no without saying no directly. It said that they are prioritizing those directly affected by the changes. Since I have not been asked for an interview and everyone will be starting in their new positions next Monday I guess it really was a no.

2) To add salt to the wound my manager, who I do not like, was offered one of the positions I applied for. 

3) Now I need to think about what I want to do going forward.

Here are the pictures for the week.

Preston and his magnet tile creation.
Showing off his muscles.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday Funnies

I hope you all have a terrific weekend!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Three on Thursday

Another week is coming to an end and these are the things I am currently thankful for.

1) That our temps have cooled down a bit.

2) That we have a free weekend ahead of us.

3) That both hubby and I have had the time off for our vacation approved.  

Monday, July 15, 2024

Monday Musings

Another week is stretching out in front of us. Here are the things that are currently on my mind.

1) I received a no without saying no email last week about this new position. Basically it says that they are prioritizing those who were directly impacted by the reorganization and they will give me more details about my application at a later time. 

2) I guess I am going to have to start thinking about looking elsewhere for a new job. I really do not want to but I can at least afford to be picky about what I apply for since I do have a job.

3) After attending the funeral of my DH's cousin who was the victim of gun violence on Saturday I was able to get out of my pity party pretty quick.

Here are the pictures for the week.

My little scientist.
He is just to darn cute!
It was a sad occasion but my guys sure looked handsome.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday Funnies

I hope that everyone has a terrific weekend.