Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Hello 2013

I hope you all had a wonderful new year. Last night we had our traditional junky food for dinner (this year it was corn dogs) and I made my mom's appetizers. Hubby went to bed around 11:30 and I stayed up and rang in the year solo. Then today I made our traditional quiche for breakfast, watched football and took a nap with Clark.  Now I am trying to mentally prepare myself to go back to work tomorrow.

Now I am going to present my annual To Do and To Do Not Lists. There is a lot I want to to this year so this maybe a bit long.

2013 To Do List

1) Learn to crochet
2) Do a color work pattern
3) Make myself a sweater
4) Knit more for charity
5) Design a pattern
6) Work out 30 minutes/5 days per week
7) Do an educational activity at least once a month with Clark
8) Finally potty train the boy
9) Read 52 books for the year
10) Cut back to 1 Cherry Coke Zero a day
11) Learn another craft I am interested in - now I am leaning toward card making
12) Declutter the house
13) Do a deep cleaning of the house
14) Remain positive
15) Save save save
16) Do a container garden with Clark

2013 To Do Not List

1) Lose my temper
2) Spend money willy-nilly
3) Get bogged down with other people's issues

Here's to a great year ahead! Until next time ....


Robin said...

Lots of great Do's and Don'ts. Happy New Year to you!!!!

Robin said...

Lots of great Do's and Don'ts. Happy New Year to you!!!!

Margaret said...

I admire your ambition. Good luck!

SissySees said...

Like those dos and don'ts. Happy New Year!

A :-) said...

Love this!

g-girl said...
