Sunday, June 23, 2013

FO: Purple Citrus

The Citron pattern has been in my queue for quite awhile. I even had the yarn the pattern called for - Malabrigo Lace - in my stash. The yarn is in my favorite color purple so it seemed like destiny for me to knit this shawl so my Purple Citrus was born.

The pattern is wonderful. It is easy enough to be TV knitting but has a few sections where you need to pay attention. I also love it because the number counts are not important like in a lace pattern so I just pressed on the few times I was short some stitches or had to many.

I have heard many people complaining about the yarn. I think it is mostly because it is a single-ply. I loved it though. It was very oft and I found it easy to work with. I would definitely knit with the yarn again for another project.

After the shawl dried Clark wanted to see it. He thought it was very soft and wanted to model it for me. I figure this will be good blackmail material when he is a teenager.

The smiling model pose.

The serious half-smile model pose.

Until next time ....


Margaret said...

It looks great, Kristy. I absolutely love the color. Good job!

SissySees said...

Beautiful!! I didn't love the pattern when I did it though, and I have two or three different colors of mal lace in my stash... It sure is soft!!

Sandra said...

beautiful shawl - I love this patterns as well - high impact for little work.
And blackmail pictures are always a good thing to have...