Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Ten on Tuesday: The Grown Up Edition

When I saw this week's topic I had to laugh. I was talking to one of the young kids at work last week about how I still feel like a kid most of the time. So I now present 10 Things That Make Me Feel Like A Grown Up.

1) The little guy who calls me mommy
2) Those pesky bills that continue to show up month after month
3) Realizing I am old enough to be the mother of some of my co-workers
4) When kids call me ma'am
5) Realizing that my 20 year high school reunion is this year
6) Having a full time job
7) Staying up as late as I want
8) Sacrificing what I want for what I know is best
9) Cooking dinner every night
10) Being married for 10 years

This also could be called 10 Things That Make Me Feel Old. Until next time ....

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