Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday Musings

Here we are the last Monday of November. Here is what I am thinking about today.

1) I am finally feeling better. I have had a cold and cough for almost 3 weeks now. My body is also finally adjusting to the time change so I have a bit more energy at the end of the day.

2) Less than a month to Christmas and I have really got to get knitting. With my illness the last few weeks my mojo has been lacking. I really need to get moving if I am going to get everything for little man done.

3) Since Thursday is December 1st that means it is time for our daily advent activity. I am stressing out about it like I always do and I just need to relax.

4) My baby is not a baby anymore. He went to the doctor last week for his yearly checkup and he weighs 64lbs and is 4'7" tall.

Here are some pictures for you.
Happy birthday Daddy!
One monster body complete
My favorite work day of the year - Pie Extravaganza!
Little man is wanting to help with dinner. I guess all those episodes of Chopped and Hell's Kitchen we watch are paying off.
Reading a Michigan Chillers book
A beautiful sunrise on a cold November morning
Back to working out after being sick
12 hats to be mailed for the Operation Chemo Comfort KAL

1 comment:

A :-) said...

Glad to hear you're finally shaking that cold off!