Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday Musings

Here we are at the last Monday in January. Time is going by quickly as usual. Here is what is on my mind this week.

1) We are supposed to get 2-4" of snow tonight. I am afraid there won't be school tomorrow. That would make 4 Tuesdays in a row where something has happened - snow days, ice days and sickness. I am beginning to dread Tuesdays.

2) I have made my fitness goal for the month. That means I have worked out 30 minutes a day 3 days a week for the month. I am proud of myself and I vow that I will keep it up in February.

3) I am a bit concerned because little man has been complaining about headaches. He just had his eyes checked in November so I know it isn't because he needs glasses. I think he is getting dehydrated because he is not drinking enough. I am hoping that is an easy fix.

Here are a few pictures for the week.

Little man with his cultural diversity doll for school.

The doll in traditional Finnish dress

A finished blue cabled hat for charity

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