Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday Musings

Another week has come and gone. Here are the things I am pondering this week.

1) I am fighting off a cold. I felt horrible on Wednesday and Thursday and then felt better on Friday. By Saturday I was back to normal but when I woke up yesterday I was back to feeling like crap. I slept most of the day away.

2) I really need to start buying Christmas presents for little man. I also need to get our lists together so we can get them to my dad on Thanksgiving.

3) Last Wednesday was our 14th wedding anniversary. We went out to dinner thanks to my dad and his annual check. But since I was sick it was pretty uneventful.

Here are the pictures from the past week.

Little man is star of the week and we had to make a poster all about him

On the sheep statue at our favorite restaurant
Little man and Hamlin the Guinea Pig
Little man has informed me that we need to need to get one of these chairs like the library has

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