Monday, November 27, 2017

Monday Musings

I can hardly believe it is the last Monday of November. The holidays are barreling down on us and I am not ready. Here is what is on my mind today.

1) I had a very nice and relaxing weekend. I really needed it and it will help heading into the next month.

2) I ended up having to work from home today because the lock on our door broke and couldn't be locked from the outside. I was not to disappointed and it was a nice way to ease back into work after 5 days off.

3) Little man won the coloring contest at our local independent toy store. He was so excited.

4) Our yearly advent activity begins on Friday the 1st. I am not sure if I am ready for it but little man loves it so much I will keep on going.

Here are the pictures for the week.

My handsome lunch date at Panera
A king needs a crown
The guineas say hello
I finished the prayer shawl for my coworker
Ok I know that addiction is a very serious issue but this made me chuckle. I agree with these people - being drunk or high has to be the reason why so many people voted for the idiot in the Oval Office.

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