Thursday, November 02, 2017

Three on Thursday

Wow I cannot believe that November is upon us all ready. Here is what I am grateful for this week.

1) Little man showed some resilience this week. At his last soccer game he scored his team's first goal but then gave up 2 goals while playing goalie. He wanted to quit but we told him not to and he was able to get back in there and play pretty easily.

2) The guinea pigs are getting used to us and do not run and hide as soon as we step into the room. I hope we can get them out and hold them this weekend.

3) I was able to quit reading a book I was not enjoying. A few years ago I would have kept reading it and been miserable because I always had to finish what I started. Now I am realizing my free time is way to precious to impose silly rules like that on myself.

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