Well I am falling behind on my 52 in 52 challenge. With exhaustion
and brain fog setting in it is taking me much longer to read. Sometimes I
have to read the same page 2 or 3 times to remember what happened. In
March I read the following 3 books.
Bootstrapper: From Broke to Badass on a Northern Michigan Farm by Mardi
Jo Link - I enjoyed this book but there were a lot of places where the
author comes across as majorly whiny, It was an interesting insight into
a how a small family farm is run which is not something we think of
these days.
The Good Goodbye by Carla Buckley - while I liked this book due to the
previously mentioned brain fog I had a hard time with the back and forth
nature of the story. It seemed to me that the big twist at the end -
which was not really that difficult to figure out - really did not add
anything to the story and was put in to add some more drama which I
don't think the book needed.
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