Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday Funnies

This is the quarantine edition of Friday Funnies. Our stay at home order was just extended today until May 15th although some restrictions have been lifted. I just hope you all are staying home, staying safe and have a good weekend.

1 comment:

LyssieK said...

These are good ones, Kristy. How are you guys holding up? I hope Preston is doing better with his health. How is Jerry? I remember he had Asthma didn't he? How has working at home been with the kids at home. Clark is getting so tall. I hope you guys are settling in to your new place. How is your dad and step mom? My dad has been sick. It was funny, last night, I was thinking about all the crazy stuff we did in college. Those were good times. If you ever get bored and want to video chat sometime, let me know. I know you probably don't have much down time with the kids and your job though. I am glad you didn't lose your job. Take care.