Monday, September 26, 2022

Monday Musings

Wow this is the last Monday of September. I am really feeling time slipping away faster and faster lately. Here is what is on my mind this week.

1) Summer is officially over. The mornings are really cold and this week our highs will only be in the high 50s.

2) I need to go through the winter gear for the boys and see what still fits and what we need to replace. It sneaks up on me every year and I am determined to get ahead of it this year.

3) I am not sure if it is the weather change or a cold but I am just feeling a bit run down lately. COVID test was negative though which is good.

Here are the pictures for the week. 

One class down - 9 more to go.
They were so cute the other morning.
And he still is at 60 home runs several days later.
More cute socks from Dollar Tree. They say Stay Chill.
20 years ago I would have thought this was pathetic bu now I don't mind.
He cracks me up.


1 comment:

A :-) said...

Well done on your first class!! :-)