Monday, September 25, 2023

Monday Musings

Here we are at the final week of September. These are the things that are currently on my mind.

1) The sun is rising later and setting earlier. I am not looking forward to the darker days of fall and winter ahead.

2) My doctor wants me to see a specialist about my diabetes. My A1C has been high the last 3 times I have seen her even though she changed my medications. I am afraid the time has come where I may need to go on insulin which really sucks. 

3) This is the last week of Clark's drivers training. After this week he will receive his permit and we will start his 50 hours of driving with an adult. I am not sure if I am ready for this. 

Here are the pictures for the week.

We have a stray mama cat and her babies living in our backyard. 
Friday was Bagels with a Buddy at Preston's school. It brought back a lot of memories of doing the same thing with Clark when he went to school there.

Hanging out with Daddy on a Saturday afternoon.

1 comment:

A :-) said...

I'm hoping you can make some adjustments so you can avoid insulin. Holding you in the light of health and strength :-)