Monday, March 18, 2024

Monday Musings

As another week begins these are the things that I am currently thinking about.

1) Our weather has taken a turn for the worse and it is freezing again. I broke down and turned the heat back on this morning.

2) My wonderful husband cleaned up the pile of toys in our living room Friday night. It looks so much better now and I can feel my anxiety lift a bit.

3) I am looking forward to the boys being on spring break next week. It is a bit of a break for me too even though I have to work most of the week.

Here are the pictures for the week.

Enjoying the warm temperatures by going to the playground.
Took this for my DH since he always calls me a silly goose.
Hanging out with dad at the DIA.
This is just part of the toy mess in our living room.
Another playground trip on another day.
Clark with the mac 'n cheese he made for his food class. It was really good!


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