Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday Musings

How is it already the middle of June? I swear time needs to slow down just a smidge. These are the things that are currently on my mind.

1) My birthday is next week and I am not sure how to feel about it. While I appreciate getting older is better than the alternative I am getting awfully close to my next milestone birthday.

2) Preston is enjoying his time at summer camp which makes me feel good. Although I am not looking forward to the cost coming out of my paycheck for the next two months.

3) We still have not yet decided where or when we will be going on vacation this year. Clark and DH each want to go somewhere different and are fighting over it. I may let Preston decide.

Here are the pictures for the week.

One cool dude!
Hanging out on the playground at camp.
Playing Connect 4 at daddy's company picnic.
Happy Father's Day!

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