Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday Musings

Here we are at the last Monday of July. I cannot believe that it is almost August. This is what is currently on my mind.

1) I received confirmation that my application was not even reviewed because they prioritized those "directly impacted by the reorganization." My gut it telling me that there is more to it than that and that my former manager might have sabotaged me but I will never know.

2) We are leaving for vacation in a little over 2 weeks so I guess we better decide where we are going. The boys want to go to Mackinac Island and my DH wants to go to Holland. I want to go wherever we can find the cheapest hotel room!

3) I am all into the Olympics this year. My interest had waned the past couple of go arounds but I am enjoying it this year.

Here are the pictures for the week.

Getting ready for Quidditch practice. 
On Friday Preston told me he wanted to be on the SWAT team. On Saturday we saw this at Tons of Trucks.

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