Monday, August 19, 2024

Monday Musings

Another week has started and this is what is currently on my mind.

1) We had a nice vacation and I did not want to log into work this morning. 

2) I am really not looking forward to school starting next Monday.

3) I promised myself that once we got back from vacation that I would get off my butt and look into actually getting a new job. Now I have to actually do it.

Here are the pictures for the last 2 weeks.

This is his angry face but he is still too cute!
Making a cup holder.
Thankfully I haven't seen them again.
And they still get it wrong.
My little construction worker.
Two of my three loves.
Tie Dye day at summer camp.
Riding the tractors at Neils' Dutch Village.
Making stroopwaffles.
Hanging with a pirate at the putt-putt course.
Silly boy in our hotel room.

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