Monday, May 13, 2013

FO: More Preemie Hats

First of all I had a great Mother's Day. The hubby made French toast for breakfast and he cleaned the house. I took a nap with Clark and we had Chinese for dinner with DQ Blizzards for dessert. To top it off the Red Wings won their game 7 against the Ducks to move onto the western conference semi-finals.

Now onto the knitting. These preemie hats are becoming quite addictive. I have met my goal of 10 so my new goal is to make 15 hats. I think 4 hats by the 29th of the month is manageable. So here are:

Baby Bowties

Little Check version of the Three Textured Baby Hats pattern.

King Charles Brocade version of the Three Textured Baby Hats pattern.

Until next time ....

1 comment:

lauriec said...

Sounds like a great Mother's Day! I'm rooting for your Wings since my Habs have been sent to the golf course!