Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Ten on Tuesday: The It Goes Together Edition

Our topic for this week is 10 Foods That Belong Together. Here we go.

1) Peanut butter and jelly – my inner child still loves these
2) Peanut butter and chocolate – Reeses’ Peanut Butter Cups are my favorite candy
3) Popcorn and butter – I have tried it sans butter but it is nowhere near as good
4) Ham and cheese – my favorite breakfast out is a ham and cheese omelet
5) Bacon and eggs – the breakfast classic
6) French fries and ketchup – can we consider ketchup a food?
7) Cheese and crackers – one of my favorite snacks
8) Kielbasa and Macaroni and Cheese – one of my favorite comfort food dinners
9) Chips and dip
10) Chili and cornbread

And now I am hungry. Until next time ….

1 comment:

Linda said...

Oh, I love kielbasa and mac and cheese too! In fact, I hate having it without the mac and cheese!! I put miracle whip out and dip my sausage in it.

Linda in VA