Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday Musings

Well hello Monday here you are again. Here is what is on my mind this week.

1) My anxiety is rearing its ugly head again. This weekend was really bad. I am trying to use all of my coping tools but they just do not seem to be working.

2) The weather seems to have finally turned. The weather this weekend was beautiful and today is sunny and 80 degrees.

3) We are in a slow time at work and I hate it. To me trying to seem busy is more work than actually working.

4) Speaking of work I have to train an employee from India on Friday morning. I HATE training people and this is adding to the anxiety issue.

5) We lost a fishy today and Clark was pretty upset.

Here are some pictures for the week.

A tardis square for hubby's Doctor Who blanket

 Preemie hat #8 for the year

On April 17th we finally were able to go to the park

A good yarny mail day. Sock Bunny Studios Paprika in Plum Crazy

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