Thursday, September 01, 2016

Books Read August 2016

It appears that my plan of returning to old favorite series and authors to kick in my knitting mojo worked. In August I finished 4 books. That still puts me 10 books behind on my goal of 52 in 52. Here is what I finished this month.

1) Can't Stop Believing by Jodi Thomas - I always enjoy this series set in the small town of Harmony, Texas. The "mystery" in the book was not very difficult to figure out but since these are not really mystery books I let that go.

2) Knit To Be Tied by Maggie Sefton - I think this series may have jumped the shark. The author seems to be stretching the things going on in the character's lives a bit much. I still enjoyed the book overall and will read more if she writes them.

3) The Silence of the Llamas by Anne Canadeo - another fun cozy mystery series. I figured out who did it pretty quickly but the reason why they did it was pretty interesting.

4) Tea With Jam and Dread by Tamar Myers - another series that I feel has jumped the shark. While this series has always been highly unbelievable this one was way over the top.

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