Thursday, January 17, 2019

Three on Thursday

How is January half over already? Not that I am complaining - I know I have stated on many occasions that this is my 2nd least favorite month (behind February). Here is what I am thankful for this week.

1) That Clark has started reading the first Harry Potter book and seems to be enjoying it
2) That Preston just has a bit of a cold and not RSV and he seems to be getting better\
3) That Preston is starting to sleep in his rocker/sleeper all night so I can have my bed back

1 comment:

Retired Knitter said...

Well, hello - How nice to run across your blog. Of course the "knitting" and and "crazy" caught my attention - but after skimming your posts - I would argue that you are a "fool." You seem to have a wonderful sense of humor. Some of what you shared made me laugh right out loud.

I am a knitter as well - living between Baltimore and DC. I will certainly stop by your blog again.