Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Thoughts on Tuesday

Well hello to another week. Here is what is on my mind this week.

1) My hubby will probably start working days in the next few weeks. It will be nice for him to be able to see the boys everyday. Right now Preston throws a fit if he leaves his sight on the weekends since that is the only time he sees him.

2) We will be looking at one of the renovated units in our current complex. Even though we really don't want to stay here if may make the most financial sense for another year or two while my hubby is in this training program. Once he finishes he will receive a significant raise. Also this will ensure that Clark goes to the middle school where all of his friends will be going next year. If we move he could be in a different school which I do not want.

3) It is OT for me this week. While I don't look forward to it I do try to take it when it comes up since it doesn't happen very often.

Here are the pictures for the week.

My little chef
Playing the drums at the 5th grade music concert
My xylophone player
Just hanging out on a Saturday morning

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