Monday, October 19, 2020

Monday Musings

Here we are at the start of a new week. I really wish time would slow down just a tiny bit. Here is what is on my mind this week.

1) We are having serious homework issues around here. We are all a bit frustrated. I just think it is unfair that all through elementary school they had no homework and now in 6th grade they are being slammed without ever being taught how to study. Plus the fact that they really lost a quarter of last year when the schools were shut down so they are behind. We are getting through it though.

2) I am really hoping that we can have Thanksgiving at my dad's. While I do want to see my family I will also admit that I do not want to cook the dinner myself. 

3) I am slowly losing weight but I think it is all coming off my fingers. I have almost lost my rings 2 or 3 times because they are so loose. What's next my boobs? 

Here are the pictures for the week.

Drop and give me 20! Just joking - they do yoga at daycare.
Sweetest Day flowers from my sweetest.

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