Monday, March 01, 2021

Monday Musings

Well hello March! I always feel a weight lift off my shoulders once March rolls around. Here is what is on my mind today.

1) I am so glad that our temperatures are trending up. Although Preston is sad that most of the snow has melted.

2) I really need to do our taxes. This is the latest I have ever done them. I am just having a hard time finding my motivation.

3) I really need to up my water intake. The last couple of weeks I have slacked off and drank way to much Coke Zero. I am feeling the effects and need to get back on track.

Here are the pictures for the week.

I love you Coke Zero but we need to take a bit of a break.
Brother decided to help with bath night.
These two are best friends and it makes my heart happy.

Although it is bad for both my wallet and the size of my butt we have McDonald's for breakfast most Fridays.
Yoga baby.

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