Monday, February 07, 2022

Monday Musings

Here we are at the first Monday of February. The last 2 weeks have slipped past me and I feel so far behind on everything. Here is what is on my mind this week.

1) Two weeks ago everyone was home with COVID. Last week both boys were home Wednesday and Thursday due to a snow storm. I am hoping that everyone can go to school/daycare/work everyday this week.

2) Preston has his first birthday party coming up on the 19th. The mom is from France and she said that this is a French type of party and the parents are not invited to stay. This makes me a bit nervous but I am sure Preston will care less.

3) I really need to get started on our taxes but I do not want to. This seems to be a theme with me lately - not wanting to do things that need to get done around here.

Here are the pictures for the past couple of weeks.

Preston has really been into Superman and Batman lately.
These beauties were waiting to greet me when I got home from dropping the boys off.
Well I knew this was coming. At least they cancelled the night before so we got to sleep in.
"No nap mama. I not tired.
Another cute pair of socks from Dollar Tree. I have always wanted to go to Australia and play with the koalas but that is difficult to do when you hate to fly.
"Mama take a picture."
"And take one of Pressie Bear."

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