Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Thoughts on Tuesday

Another week is here. It seems like time is slipping by and I am not getting much done. I am trying not to get to bogged down in things but it is hard. Here is what else is on my mind today.

1) Preston had his first birthday party for a friend on Saturday. He was so excited and had a great time.

2) I had yesterday off for President's Day. It was very exciting - cleaning the house, taking Clark to the dentist and doing our taxes. 

3) I did something to my back yesterday and it is really bothering me. If I sit to long when I try to get up I look like I am 80 years old. Hopefully it goes away soon.

Here are the pictures for the week.

The temperatures are finally high enough for the kiddos to go out at daycare again. 
Well a 4 day weekend suddenly turns into 5 days,
Fort building on a Sunday morning. 

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