Monday, March 07, 2022

Monday Musings

Well hello all. I had a big of an unplanned blog break last week. Now I am trying to get back in the saddle again. Here is what I am thinking about on the first Monday of March.

1) I am trying really hard to get out of this funk/depression I have been in the last few weeks. Things seem to ebb and flow but I am doing my best.

2) We are back to struggling with Clark's school work. He is just not doing his work. His grades are awful and the marking period ends on the 18th.

3) I am for sure not getting enough sleep which I am sure is not helping with issue #1. I need to get my butt to bed earlier.

He wanted to take a picture with his stuffed fox, Foxy.
Another trip to the dollar store = another cute pair of socks.
Nighty night and sweet dreams angel boy.
There was an industrial fire a few miles from us the other day.
If this were a weekend he would already be in my face saying it is time to play.
How I imagine this happened.
Kid - “mom buy me a car!”
Mom - “sure but I get to pick the license plate”
Kid - “whatever”

1 comment:

A :-) said...

Hoping that the longer days and Daylight Saving Time on Sunday will help your mental health. I'm sorry that Clark is struggling again with schoolwork, and hoping that he will be able to concentrate more and do better soon. Preston seems like a little ray of sunshine at the moment :-)