Monday, July 25, 2022

Monday Musings

The last Monday of July is now upon us. Time sure is flying by like always. Here are the things that are currently on my mind.

1) I have been in quite a mood lately. Things that I normally let roll off my back are really getting to me. I am hoping that this goes away soon.

2) I am taking the boys to my dad's house this weekend for swimming and a sleep over. I am looking forward to it but at the same time I just want to stay home and not face the world (see #1).

3) My knitting mojo is really coming back. Now if only my reading mojo would take note.

Here are the pictures for the week:

Learning to write his name.
Everyday of my life with Preston.
Building a truck at daycare.
It Christmas in July. Working on some Christmas ornaments. 

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