Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Wednesdays Are For Knitting and Reading

I have been in a bit of a funk lately. This has meant that my reading and knitting mojo has seriously been lacking. I have been reading the same two books for months now. I know that I will not complete my goal of reading 20 books for the year. Well I guess I should say that I have been reading but it is for school and not for pleasure. 

My knitting output has also dwindled. I did manage to finish the shawl last week for my friend that I have been working on since July. I just need to take pictures and get it posted to Ravelry. I just have not felt like doing that. I finally cast on a blanket for my future great niece or nephew but it is for sure not going to be finished in time for the shower next weekend. Hopefully I can finish it before the baby is born next month. I also did not complete preemie hats for September and October so I need to catch up on those and knit the one for November. 

I really do not like feeling like this. I know that this happens every year at this time but it still always takes me by surprise. It only gets worse with the time change which is coming up this weekend so I am a bit worried that I will go back a few steps before I can move forward again. Wish me luck.

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