Tuesday, February 13, 2024

True Life Tuesday: William Harvey Carney

This has absolutely nothing to do with the story but my FIL looked a lot like this man.

William Harvey Carney was born on February 29, 1840 in Norfolk, Virginia. He was born a slave and it is unclear exactly how he became free. Some accounts state that he made his way to Massachusetts through the Underground Railroad where he met his father.

In March 1863 he joined the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. He was promoted to the rank of Sargent for heroism in the Battle of Fort Wagner on July 18, 1863. After being wounded in battle he grabbed the American flag and carried it forward. When he returned to his battle line he stated that he did his duty and did not let the flag hit the ground. He was honorably discharged due to the injuries he received in the battle in June 1894.

After his discharge he moved to New Bedford, Massachusetts where he delivered mail for 32 years. While there he married Susannah Williams and they had a daughter, Clara. He was awarded the Medal of Honor on May 23, 1900 - almost 37 years after the events at Fort Wagner. In 1901 a song about his action was published called "Boys the Old Flag Never Touched the Ground". 

William died on December 9, 1908 in Boston from injuries he received in an elevator accident at the Massachusetts State House Building where he was working at the time. His body laid in repose for one day at the request of his wife and daughter and he was buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in New Bedford. His New Bedford home is on the National Register of Historic Places. He also has a statue in his honor in the West Point Cemetery in Norfolk. 

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