Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Hello 2025

Well here we are at the start of 2025. I am really determined to make this year a good one. I have been thinking about what I want to accomplish this year. I usually set to many goals and end up not reaching any of them. This year I am going to just concentrate on a few things.

1) Pay off some of our credit card debt

2) Declutter the toys and papers in the house

3) Read 20 books

4) Knit something everyday

That is it. I am hoping that by having fewer things to focus on that I can be more successful. I was also debating about having a word of the year. In the past this is also something I have not been successful in incorporating my words into my life but I have decided to give it a go. So my word for 2025 is:

So that is it for the first post of 2025. Here's to a happy, healthy and successful year.

1 comment:

A :-) said...

Ooooo! I love Focus!! It was my word in 2021 and it got me through my cancer diagnosis and surgery. Wishing you a wonderful - and focused! - new year :-)