Thursday, October 27, 2016

Think Write Thursday: The Abandoned Building Edition

Now that Carole has changed from the weekly Ten on Tuesday to the monthly Ten on Ten she has started new weekly project. This is called Think Write Thursday. Each week she sends out a topic that we are supposed to write about. This can be fiction, non-fiction or a bit of both. I like to write and have not done so for many years so I have decided to give it a whirl.

This week we are to write about an abandoned house or building.

When I was 10 my parents moved into the house where I would grow up and where my dad still lives. Across the street from the house was the old town high school that had been abandoned for many years. The building always scared me. It seemed to be haunted. There were stories going around about the crazy homeless guy who was supposed to live in the building.

Since our house was right in town and close the middle school we always had a lot of kids walking by our on their way home from school. It seemed like at least a couple of times per week some kids would go into the building to explore. I, however, being a chicken never went in. I do not remember my parents ever telling me to stay away from the school but I am sure they must have. Plus my grandparents lived with us so there was always someone watching me.

Sometime when I was in high school the building was torn down and there were two houses built on the empty lot. Sometimes I wish that I had the guts to go inside that school and check it out.

1 comment:

A :-) said...

I missed that she was doing this on Thursday now! I'm going to stick with the Ten on the Tenth, but I'm doing NaBloPoMo again this year, so that should keep me pretty busy.