Tuesday, November 13, 2007


So I am new to this whole podcasting thing but I am loving it. I listen to them at work when the whining and complaining gets to me. I love that even though I can not knit I can listen to people talk about knitting. Here are some of my favorites so far.

1) Cast On - I love Brenda's voice. I find it very soothing and relaxing to listen to. I love her philosophy on knitting and crafts in general.
2) Craft Lit - this combines two of my loves, books and knitting. I am still working my way through the archives of this one
3) Yarn Craft - this is brought to us by the folks at Lion Brand. While I was expecting this to be a big commercial for their products it really was not.
4) CRL - this podcast is brought to us by Vickie Howell of Knitty Gritty fame. I like that she talks about all sorts of crafts not just knitting.

Do you have any you can recommend? Until next time ....


Anonymous said...

I really like Sticks and String... that Aussie accent gets me every time. Lime and Violet is an acquired taste but they have a loyal following. I've got a whole list of knitting casts on my podroll on my blog, but those are the ones I'm current on and can recommend in addition to your list.

Nia said...

Lime and Violet are raunchy, but hilarious. I also really like Stash and Burn, which is mostly about yarn diets and destashing ideas and progress.

Coley said...

I've been listening to Stash and Burn podcast, lime n violet, cast-on, craftsanity, craftypod... but my favorite podcast is This american life. I think i have a crush on ira glass's voice. hehe.... More hip than hippie is a good one! I also catch one called deconstructing dinner..its a canadian one.