Friday, February 13, 2015

Five on Friday

Another week has come and gone and here it is Friday again. Happy early Valentine’s Day everyone! Here is what is on my mind this week.

1) I managed to work out 2 days this week. Not stellar but something is better than nothing.

2) Wednesday was the 100th day of school. The kids had to dress up like they were 100 years old. I put baby powder in Clark’s hair so it looked gray and he kept saying how he loved his gray hair and how we wants to be a grown up. I told him that it is not all it is cracked up to be but I don’t think he believed me.

3) After all my anxiety over my annual review it went fine. I actually agreed with her assessments but I am still glad it is over.

4) I am still behind on everything – TV shows, podcast, blogs, knitting, etc. I am just starting to accept that this is going to be the state of things for me from now on.

5) Yesterday morning was pretty bad. I woke up at 4am with a nose bleed and it took about an hour for it to go away. I fell back asleep and forgot that I needed to wake hubby up at 5:30 and when the alarm went off at 6:30 he was not happy. Clark was difficult to get up and it was  the anniversary of my mom's death. I also forgot to make my oatmeal for breakfast. I was mad that I had to stop at McDonald’s to get breakfast which neither my butt nor wallet really can afford. When I got to the window the lady told me that the guy in front of me paid for my food. It really made my day and I am looking for a way to pay it forward. 

Here are some pictures from the week 

Knitting little hearts for the little guy's Valentine's Day gift

Dressed as a 100 year old man for the 100th day of school

I am ready for winter to be over already

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