Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Books Read: September 2017

I am falling off a bit and am now slightly behind on my 52 in 52 challenge. I think I should still be ok I just need to keep reading. Little man is required to read for 20 minutes a night and I have been reading with him so that should help a bit. In September I read the following 3 books.

1) Grit by Angela Duckworth – an interesting look into how some people can preserver through almost anything while others will crumble at the first sign of hardship. She also gives some good examples of what grit is and how to increase yours.

2) Belleweather Rhapsody by Kate Racculia – I am not sure how I feel about this book. It was an interesting premise and I thought it would be more of a thriller but it fell a bit short. 

3) The Racketeer by John Grisham – this book kept me guessing for about ¾ of the way through which is unusual. I would love to see this one made into a movie.

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