Tuesday, March 22, 2022

True Life Tuesday: 1816 the Year Without a Summer

In 1816 parts of the world experienced a strange phenomena. The average global temperature dropped 0.7-1 degree Fahrenheit or 0.4-0.7 degrees Celsius. These were the coldest temperatures in Europe recorded from 1766-2000. This also caused food shortages across the globe.

The reason for this occurrence actually started the year before in April 1815. A volcano, Mount Tambora in the Dutch West Indies erupted. The fall out caused the low temperatures and excessive rains. There was also a persistent "dry fog" that blocked out sunlight. These caused crops to fail. The greatest effects were most felt in most of New England, Atlantic Canada and Western Europe.  

There were many results that came from this situation. It is thought that the weather helped lead to the settling of the American Heartland. Many people fled the eastern United States to find more hospitable climates. It also helped to bring to life one of the most classic horror novels. Being forced inside due to rain on a trip to Lake Geneva Mary Shelley came up with the idea for Frankenstein. 

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