Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Books Read: 2nd Quarter 2022


My reading mojo is seriously lacking lately. According to Good Reads I am 5 books behind on my goal of 20 books for the year. Oh well I can only hope that it comes back at some point. For the 2nd quarter of 2022 I read only two books.

1) Half of What You Hear by Kristyn Kusek - an interesting look at life and secrets in a small town. I liked that you are never really know what is true and what is fiction. 

2) Only Child by Rhiannon Navin - this book is sadly very timely with recent events in America. The story follows a family as they deal with the aftermath of a school shooting. I was very torn with these characters. I wanted to smack the parents - especially the mother - several times. They seemed to be so oblivious to the needs of their surviving son. But then I felt sorry for them as they are trying to deal with the most horrible thing a parent can deal with. I think that is a sign of a good author.

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