Friday, March 24, 2006

What's up with these places?

So hubby and I are going to buy a house. Our lease is up at the end of September and there is no way in heck we are staying here after all the problems we had with our roof leaking. However, I have a little real estate rant to contend with. Are there really people out there who are crazy enough to buy a $100,000 condo that is basically a glorified apartment? I don't get that. They will not appreciate in value and you will have a hard time selling but practically every "condo" I seen online is a converted apartment. I really want a condo since we don't have to do yard work, shovel snow or pay for water, Also, since we don't have money to put down it will be relatively inexpensive. But I refuse to pay that much for an apartment for the opportunity of owning my own place.

On the knitting front I am plugging along on my baby blanket. It is coming out very well. I will have to make one for me when the time comes a LONG tine from now. Until next time ....


Kirsti said...

Good luck finding somewhere.. I have no ideas or suggestions, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that the perfect condo becomes available for you soon!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...if you do want a condo, you may want to check out the ones they're building on Coolidge just south of 14 Mile...they're Amber properties, and I have nothing but wonderful things to say about Amber Properties. As an added bonus, you would be within walking distance of both Kirsti and I!!! Seriously, I'm rooting for you...nothing is better than having your OWN home!
Can't wait to see the progress on the baby blanket...and don't forget, when you do decide to have a little one, we'll shower you with lots of knitted goodies!

Dana said...

What area are you looking in? I know someone selling a condo in Macomb, Garfield and something. I can check the price if that's an area of interest for you!! Good luck!