Sunday, January 06, 2008

2008 To Do and To Do Not Lists

So I have been seriously contemplating these lists this year. I think that I am ready to make some serious changes in my life and attitude. I feel like I am on the edge of something really exciting and I can not wait. So without any further ado here are my lists.

To Do:
1) Eat much healthier. Remember that vegetables are not the enemy and chocolate is not your friend!
2) Organize and purge the amazing amount of crap we have in this apartment.
3) Make a cleaning schedule and stick to it.
4) Practice spinning at least 3 times a week.
5) Read at least 18 books this year.
6) Be more patient, especially where my wonderful husband is concerned.
7) Be more grateful for the blessings I have in my life.
8) Make my first fitted garment, Bombshell, that i have had the yarn for since June!
9) Work on my jewelry and making the business I want.
10) Be better at commenting on blogs and responding to my comments.

To Do Not:
1) Worry so much about everything.
2) Take everything personally.
3) Feel bad for cutting people out of my life who I needed to get rid of.
4) Cut myself off from the people who truly care about me.

I reserve the right to change and update this list as I see fit. Until next time ....


hakucho said...

Good for you with your list...I'm afraid to put things in writing just in case I'm not so good at keeping to my list ;)

Good luck!!!

Larjmarj said...

Well said

Miranda said...

I made a list also. Good luck on yours!

Unknown said...

Let me know how you do with not worrying - I know I could use less of that!

Tina said...

I hear you about the blog commenting. I tend to read a lot of blogs, but never seem to post a comment to let the blogger know I am actually reading. So I plan to do that as well, and this is the first comment of the year. Happy New Year.