Friday, August 08, 2008

My Own Olympic Thing

As nice as the Ravelympics sound I never got around to sign up for it. With everything going on around here I am lucky to get out of the house with my purse, keys and fully dressed. So I am going to do my own little Olympic thing. Here are my goals:

1) Finish the baby blanket that has been on the needles since January.
2) Work on my Icarus which has been on the needles for almost a year. I am not putting a specific goal on this one because with my attention span lately I am going to be lucky to get a row done correctly.
3) Finish the bib that is on the needles.
4) Start a baby sweater.

I think these are some pretty lofty goals and I may crash and burn. However, no guts no glory or something like that. Until next time ....

1 comment:

Larjmarj said...

Good luck!!

I don't do well with deadlines!!